This stunning run is just under 13 miles in length. Arriving in Yarmouth after crossing the Solent from Lymington we drop our kit at the Off the Rails Cafe before setting off. We join the Coast Path and head towards Fort Victoria, a former military fort built in the 1850’s to guard the Solent. The earliest fort on the site was a coastal fort known as Sharpenode Bulwark built in 1545–1547 by Henry VIII, but these defences had fallen into disrepair by the 17th century.
The path drops down to Colwell and Totland Bay before climbing again to Headon Warren from where there are great views across Christchurch Bay and the Hurst Narrows. A short descent to the Alum Bay visitor attraction, no time to stop here, before a gentle climb towards the Needles a series of chalk stacks. For may sailors the Needles are a welcome sight after the sometimes bumpy English Channel and the first indication that the quieter waters of the Solent are not too far away.
Back onto the coast path, there is a gentle climb to the highest point of the run at the Tennyson Memorial. On a clear day the views are spectacular! And what goes up must come down and the gentle gradient of the grassy cliff top is great for lengthening your stride and picking up speed!
Back to sea level at Freshwater Bay the course heads inland along Afton Marsh and the terrain is flat all the way to the finish. After the Marsh, the Causeway, the route of the long defunct railway line which runs alongside the River Yar. The next station stop is the Off the Rails Cafe for a superb lunch.
When happily refuelled, we head back to the ferry for a short hope back to the mainland.