Do I need a running coach?
Rate yourself in the grid below. 1 to 5 with 1 being low compliance
1 Do you follow a training plan?
2 Is the training plan designed specifically for you?
3 Are you self-motivated?
4 Do you have good intentions but let your training plan slip?
5 Have you set a running goal either in distance or time?
6 Have you met your goals?
7 Do you have someone to talk to when your training doesn’t go to plan?
8 Do you think you have achieved your running potential?
9 Have you ever felt like hanging up your running shoes for good?
10 Do you have people around you who can really appreciate your running achievements?
Total score
What might your score mean?
40 to 50. You are self-reliant, or maybe have a coach and are achieving your running goals
30 to 40 You are generally happy with your training regime, your running performance and your access to support but occasionally hit bumps in the road.
20 to 30 You have a generic training plan and are struggling to hit all your running goals and are frustrated that you feel as though you are not achieving your running potential.
<20 Your approach to running is not planned and is sporadic leading to frustration and disappointment with your running aspirations. You don’t have access to useful support.
We can help whatever your score but particularly if you have scored under 30. Call us now 0845 1397020